At Content Creation Partners, our job is to make yours as easy possible. Most projects involve little more than a phone call or two to point us in the right direction, and we'll take it from there. Our clients will tell you that the projects we deliver are consistently on-message and ready to use, often with no editing required.
Once complete, YOU own the finished product. The copyright is yours. This means you have the freedom to distribute the content across multiple platforms and in varying formats. And, of course, to assign authorship as desired.

White papers
We'll work with representatives of your executive team to define a white paper's point-of view and key reader take-aways. Then, we'll do the research and writing, delivering a ready-to-distribute position piece that will represent your company as a thought leader within your market space.

Editorials / Advertorials
Oftentimes, ad placements offer value-added editorial or advertorial space in proximity to your ad. Which is great, provided you have the content on-hand to fill the space. Turn these projects over to us. We'll get them done quickly and done right.

Corporate profiles / Prosposal templates
Need a professionally written corporate profile of your business, biographies of your executives or other presentation materials for use in proposals and quotes? Polished profiles are critical for making the strongest first impression to prospective investors, partners or customers reading up on your business. Let us help you put your best foot forward.

Product brochures
You know your products and services inside out, but that doesn’t make writing brochure copy a less daunting task. We can work with you to write copy that strikes just the right balance – making sure the tone and level of detail is just right for your audience.

Education guides and presentations
Being an educator in your market space is the best way to reach prospects in the early stages of their research, and to position yourself as a trusted partner. Empowering customers to make smart purchase decisions ultimately helps both them and you. CCP has extensive experience creating educational content that introduces prospects to unfamiliar concepts and technologies, helping them to feel more confident as they explore solutions that will best meet their specific needs.These include webinars, lunch-and-learn webinars, educational booklets and FAQs.

Case studies
Case studies are your best references…in depth presentations of your success stories. We’ll interview all parties involved in your project and then write it all up, ready for you to share online, with trade publications, or anywhere you choose.

Website messaging / Blogs / Newsletters
Even when working with a professional web design firm, managing the development process — including writing or editing all the written content for the site — can become a full-time job. Let CCP take the lead. We’ll serve as liaison between you and the web development team, making sure the process goes smoothly, all copy is written and deadlines are met.
If you’re looking for a turn-key solution, we also work with talented web design partners who we can bring to the project.

If you’re looking to create a video, make CCP part of the team. We can work with the video company of your choice to help script the video, or we can work with our own talented partners to provide full execution of your vision.
Market Research

Research and content go hand-in-hand. It makes sure the content you create communicates the right message and is shared in the right ways. A well executed survey can tell you who your customers are, what matters to them, what they think of you, what they think of your competitors, where they go to learn about new products and services, and so much more. When conducted annually, it can also serve as a benchmark to evaluate your program's success. Our expertise in market research delivers "soup to nuts" survey execution and analysis. We'll make sure you ask the right questions, generate a strong response rate, and that the results provide actionable insights to improve your products, services and the marketing programs that support them.
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Why invest in quality content?

Because the online world of marketing has put customers in the driver’s seat, with the ability to conduct extensive research and screening before they’re willing to have their first conversation with you.
A single article can be used across multiple platforms and in a variety of formats.
You can even break it into smaller pieces to support a series of blog posts or newsletter articles.
Use CCP developed content to support your content marketing strategies, including:
Lead generation and lead nurturing
Customer engagement
Brand building
Driving web traffic
Improve search engine rankings
Increase sales